The Oosphère Mindset

In order to better serve customer needs and expectations, Oosphère has a nearshore service center where specific development projects (applications, mobile) and externalization services are carried out.
Furthermore, the Open Source Silverpeas solution (collaborative portal, intranet/extranet) developed by the teams in Grenoble (France) complement Oosphère’s initial offering.

Since its inception in 1996, the Geneva-based ESN* (IT consulting firm) has always placed people at the center of its concerns. The most important resource we have, whether employees or clients, is made up of men and women; for that reason, we have always maintained relationships based on mutual trust, transparency, and a respect of commitments.

At the end of a rather tumultuous year in 2020, it seemed important to us to rally around the essentials and to share with you our values, as well as the actions we are taking in order to make our commitment concrete.
By displaying our charter, we are making the Oosphère Mindset, as well as our committed approach, visible and accessible to all.

From the outset, we have built trusting, lasting relationships with our clients, based on mutual, shared, and equitable interests. This translates to a commitment from our employees to provide excellent service. We therefore strive to ensure that each project is a successful experience, both from a human and technological perspective.

We ensure that each member of Oosphère maintains, regardless of circumstance, a loyal and respectful attitude towards not only stakeholders, but towards our competitors as well.


Oosphère is mindful of the integrity of its consultants and candidates, and ensures that they adopt and conserve a responsible and professional attitude at all times. To do this, we implemented an ethics charter which must be read, understood, and signed by each of our employees.

Oosphère is also a sustainable company, which takes its environment into consideration. We encourage actions that minimize our environmental impact such as remote working, the use of public transport, carpooling, or the reduction of (recycled) paper printing. Committed to positively impacting our community, the Oosphère team is involved in useful solidarity actions, volunteering our time through associations.

Since its origins, Oosphère has maintained an ethical and caring attitude.

We make sure that all our employees have access to a healthy, pleasant, and sustainable work environment.

This is reflected in the provision of tools, personal attentiveness, and the assistance necessary for the accomplishment of their tasks.

The work provided, the credit for results, and the involvement of each employee are recognized and valued.

This recognition is demonstrated, amongst other things, by a proper salary policy and a climate of openness where dialogue is encouraged. Our colleagues feel free to discuss any topic, whether it’s with upper management or their supervisor.

Regular monitoring of our consultants allows us to ensure their professional development and to strengthen the relationship of mutual trust (training policy, certifications, career management, etc.).
In the same vein, Oosphère is committed to respecting the work/private life balance of its employees, and also calls for the responsibility of its clients in this regard.

Oosphère is an employer that does not tolerate any form of discrimination or harassment, and which advocates gender equality, equal opportunities, diversity in teams…

*Entreprise des Services du Numérique